ART MONTGOMERY is the creative web space for members of the Montgomery family from Glasgow in Scotland. Here you will be able to visit each artist’s gallery and the Art Montgomery exhibitions; there is also a store where artworks may be purchased online.
We hope you enjoy browsing through the site and we would be more than happy to hear from you via the email link you can find in the footer area of the pages. There you will also find an option to join our mailing list, and please do, we will not be pestering your inbox! A few times each year we will send out a newsletter to let you know about upcoming online exhibitions and new additions to the artworks available for online purchase.
Currently the online shop is offering for sale the works of Neil Montgomery but if you have an interest in purchasing work by the other family members please do not hesitate in contacting us.


SETAS: El Gran Reciclador These images create a bridge between two different themes ‘La Gente de las Setas’ and ‘Hybridisation’, both of which can be